dealroom simplifies contracting with AI to make opportunities accessible.

The government contracting industry is worth over $500 billion. Yet complex procurement processes exclude too many growing businesses.

Our Story

Deal Room was founded in early 2023 by two college friends experienced in SaaS, AI/ML, and Martech industries. As a two person team, we aim to transform the massive yet fragmented contracting industry. Previously through consulting, we helped businesses navigate cumbersome paperwork, confusing regulations, and siloed systems. We built Deal Room to automate our proven success in securing contracts. Our AI-powered software simplifies procurement end-to-end – from bid matching to proposal writing.

Our Vision

Government contracting should empower growing businesses, not limit them. We envision an ecosystem where AI eliminates inefficiencies, barriers, and complexity. Deal Room gives equal access to a $500 billion industry by using technology to simplify the process. With machine learning informing each stage, we’re committed to an inclusive and efficient contracting future. Join our mission to unlock new potential in public procurement. The opportunities are vast if we innovate together.

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Revolutionizing Government Contract Bidding & Acquisition

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